Sunday, February 12, 2012

Thought it would be less miraculous.

I was sure having a second grandchild would be no big deal after all I already had a grandson.
Well it is no less of a miracle as it was the first time, only this is a girl.
Yes a beautiful girl so pretty that she can out shine the sun.
Special should be her middle name.
Kidding but not!
I have not had a chance to hold her yet but will in a few days.
Girls are just different aren't they ? They have a way of making you feel that they are in control as they are most of the time.
We like to think we run our own lives, but it is a deception. The woman control all and rightly so as they usually know better.
This little girl already has my number and I haven't even held her in my arms yet.
I can't wait to be with her.