Friday, February 10, 2012

O.K. guys here is what I am going to do!.

If Eli Manning stopped the game in the fourth quarter and took a time out. Then called the entire New England Patriots team over to his huddle and said o.k. boys I am going to throw the ball 40 yards down the left sideline to Mario Maningham on this play because we need a big gain to win the super bowl (break!)
Insane right, would never happen.
Then why are we and our press discussing the actions or potential actions of Israel regarding Iran on every talk show and radio program in the world.
Why would we telegraph Israels actions or potential actions. These things even if we know they are going to happen are not for public knowledge.
Did we say the invasion of Normandy will be Tuesday at 3?
I don't get it sometimes freedom of the press is not licence for stupidity of the press.
We are allies and we should show discretion and intelligence when contemplating covert actions for us or our friends God knows we need them in the future.
Why telegraph our intentions.
It makes no sense.

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