Sunday, February 19, 2012

Health Care or the lack of it!

The health care issue is very simple!
It has been made much more complex by the passing of the current health care legislation.
So we must repeal that to start over or amend it so much it will look nothing like it does now.
Public option that is truly public option not a predetermined cheaper less effective health care system that really leaves no options for the employer. The cost will drive companies to use it and decrease the level of service we have become used to in America. As we just saw when we called congress on their ability to inside trade when the rest of us can't. When favoritism is brought to the for front people get it and insist on fairness and proper behavior.
So if congress has deemed the new health care bill O.K. for Americans then why have they chosen a high cost no limits for ever policy for themselves?
Is this the way America wants our system to work? If this President really wants equal opportunity for all Americans then why does Congress and the President have a better health care option than we do. How elitist is that?
I got elected to congress, a paying job by the way ,and even if I stay one term then I get health care unlimited for life.
Who gets that deal?
Separation of church and state. Jesus and certainly no one on TV even said those words, as the President of the United States considered changing his legislation to relieve the requirement that christian organizations would be mandated to pay for birth control for their employees. This is a basic condition on which our nation was formed.
Are we not paying attention? Whether you believe in birth control is not the issue. I don't care what the individuals beliefs are, its the government telling us what we can and can't do that is the issue.
Now let's say the health care bill was never passed.
Here is the solution!
Take the restrictions off of the insurance companies so they can all bid on all 50 states. The way it works now many companies have monopolies in their state or only a few companies can bid .
If all of the approximately 7500 insurance companies could bid competitively the costs would automatically come down and some of those companies would not be competitive or even make it .(Cost down Perhaps 30%.)
Then we must pass tort reform nation wide and put limits on what we can sue for and how much. Like the line item veto we have been talking about tort reform for many years and of course nothing gets done.
The limits on loss and pain and suffering must be much less.
If we don't control the amounts available we can never keep costs down. Personal health savings accounts are also a great idea. These can help supplement medical costs .
Now if you think for a moment the lawyers who run Washington( and trust me they do) will allow tort reform without a huge lobby effort against it you are crazy.
The lawyers make huge fees off of the trials, and they would be severely reducing their income potential. Just like accountants will never allow the flat tax as they would be out of business.
"WE THE PEOPLE" are the only ones with enough power to create these changes.
My sincerest hope is that America wakes up and takes notice of the change that is among us.
This is not the change I was hoping for.

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