Wednesday, April 22, 2009

We are moving in May 8th like it or not.

We are moving in to the house up north very soon.
We are painting the inside,final coating the floors,custom coating the walls with murals,
putting all electric and plumbing in and finalizing the designs all at the same time.
We have to put the carpets in but will probably do that once we are in.
The good news is we have thrown or given away all our furniture so there is not alot to move around.
If we can get the plumbing done, and the electric hooked up, and the painting done.
We are good.
It is mad rush time, as of course were having a function at the house in one month.
It would never get done if we weren't.
I forgot to mention we are completely re landscaping the entire property also.
New patio,new grill new bushes and lawn and sprinkling system.
Other than that we are done .

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