Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Dogs are funny and the projects are not as interesting as we get further.

My dogs are very funny and unique to my experience. I suppose that's why people love their dogs so much.
They are so innocent and they are so particular.
This morning my older Lab Sweetie of the famous "Sweetie Tea" fame,decided she would take her sweet time going to the bathroom.
I take her to the same vacant lot every day to go, and she usually takes a few minutes and circles and does her business .
This morning she circled and stopped ,and walked around, and circled again and stopped, and walked around and circled again, and repeated this maybe 6 or 7 times before finding the comfort zone .
Very funny ,and particular about the spot, and the feeling to be comfortable. The older she becomes the more particular she is about things. I think we are all that way and she has earned it. The pleasure she has delivered to the family is immeasurable.
Food, Exercise , sleep and comfort.
She will now sleep at my feet with one of her paws actually on top of my foot or shoe so if I move she knows it.
I now call her Needy Sweetie!
The framing part of the houses is some what interesting, as the shape of the house takes place ,yet at some point there are a tremendous amount of things you don't think of that really don't make the house look different, but are mandatory to building the house.
During the time when they put those on, the house looks very similar.
The truth is it is different every day, but the subtleties are just that.
I am going to see Rock and Roll hall of fame inductee Jeff Beck at Irving Plaza one of my favorite venues tomorrow night.
I will write a review this weekend her on my blog.

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