Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Devil is in the details!!!!!

When redoing a house or building one the true pain in the butt is the final details ,trim,tile ,lighting ,paint ,paper things like that. The framing ,roofing ,siding are the easy part.
The house begins to look good ,and then you have to finish it.UGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
All the little details can become overwhelming . The way around this is to have a designer and meet well in advance, and make the decisions about how the house will be done then don't change your mind.
Build it the way you decided, and then live in it a while to decide if you want to change anything.
You can always do something down the road.
The trick is to have experienced people around you, listen to their advise, and then do it. This is not easy as if you are not a decisive person you will second guess yourself again and again.
I am lucky my wife does the research and makes the decision.
She is very good at it.
Very few fights about the houses have taken place . we have done remarkably well considering.

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