Thursday, April 30, 2009

Maureen Dowd never has an answer!

Political columnist are supposed to criticize the politicians. I know that is their job,but the vitriol and negativity exhibited by some is just plain unintelligent.
I am an optimist always have been.
Don't believe in going backwards, as it has no purpose.
I am not talking about studying history. That is important, so we don't make mistakes others have.
That I understand .
Being negative for negatives sake, I don't understand.
Maureen Dowd is one writer I have to say gets under my skin.
I am sure that is part of the fascination.
She is intelligent, yet she never has an answer or idea of what the solution to an issue is.
She is quick to criticize,yet never offers the correct alternative ,or at least her opinion of what it might be.
Any opinion is just that. How boring if we all complained all day, and no one ever took a chance on implementing their beliefs.
Great ideas come from need and desire.
I am sure Maureen's desire is to be part of the problem, not the solution.
This of course is just my opinion.

I have no problem with people having political opinions, but give me a solution.


Denise Ryan said...

that photo scares me.

Poppo said...

I know if creeped me out too thats why I used it.