Thursday, February 5, 2009

Whats wrong with this picture ? and Allowances

As the winter continues to move on and the houses progress ,we are in the February freeze time of winter.
This is the time where you can no longer stand the bitter cold, and the winds of winter, and you crave spring more than you can remember.
Some people go away now, and fly to the warmer climates as my son and his girl friend did leaving us with their two dogs.
The dogs are really cute and for the most part are very good.
They are a Maltese and a Shitzu.
The Maltese is the Woody Allen of dogs ,and likes to worry about everything, but did do his business and asked to go out .
Love that.
The Shitzu is like the kid who jumps off the furniture, and just pees and poos where and when he likes.
Sorry to my son ,and his girl friend who love him blindly.
He is a cute dog, but has no respect for the furniture, or anything that gets in the way of his desires to relieve himself.
I am trying to discipline him, as he makes mistakes ,but he looks at you like he doesn't get it, and just happy go lucky goes on with the days activities.
Funny but frustrating.
It's all small potatoes if you really think about it, but he is a city dog who has city rules .
We will survive it, and it certainly has made the week interesting.
Anyway the houses move on ,and the extras up north that are now coming to the decision time, are killing me.
One thing I have learned is to make sure the bid has everything in it including the kitchen sink,
Built ins, raised paneling ,things that you don't think about when you are quoting the job.
Do as much research as you can up front ,and try to have everything in the bid.
Finally when they put allowances in the bid for things they will never put enough money in the allowances.
This enables them to get the job ,but then add on when you tell them what you really want.
I don't think it is devious, I just think they know about what it will take, and they estimate on the low side .
Once the project is underway you need to get it finished, and you will do what you must to get there.
Human Nature.,
All in all the dogs are funny, and good and the houses are progressing quite nicely.
I guess we are lucky to have so much life and love around us, and be doing so much!
I will write soon.

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