Saturday, February 14, 2009

Gwyneth Paltro and Madona ,you wouldn't believe.

Today Gwyneth Paltro said one of the stupidest things I have ever heard,
of course she was on Oprah when she said it.
She evidently is good friends with Madonna and when she was going through post par tum depression Madonna spoke to her and basically ,and I quote,"Madonna rearranged my molecules."
Ok this means that every woman who has post par tum depression just needs their molecules rearranged.
It is not a chemical imbalance that needs professional help , it can be cured by a good talking too, by a friend like Madonna, about how wonderful your life is, and how you should feel good about your options. She is such an amazing friend and truly can perform miracles.
I am so relieved to know it.
Woman no longer have to worry about after they have children as the molecule rearrangement is here.
Madonna is going to be very busy.

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