Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Band Carlon!!!!!

My son is in a band .
They have been playing, writing, recording and struggling for 3 years now.
It is a tough profession .
But you know he is completely passionate about it, and they have been blessed with a manager who works extremely hard, believes in them, and has held their hand all the way.
They are a four member band, three guitars and one drummer.
They also play organ, lap slide , and other instruments for some songs.
They have released a E.P, and now a full length LP Johari Window.
The actual release date for the Album is in March to coincide with "South By South West."
They will be playing a few gigs during that week in Austin.
It's a roller coaster ride being in a band, and takes a tremendous amount of discipline to make it happen.
All four boy are dedicated and hard working.
The band is named Carlon and their web site is www.carlonmusic.com
Check out their music and down load it .
As my friend Jude says; "It is all about the journey."

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