Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Surfs Up again!!!!!!

I Don't want the blog to be about surfing but today 10/21/08 the wind was north east all day then south then hard west tonight.I went up in a full suit but actually didnt need it . ( No Boots or Gloves)Actually a Patagonia suit my son gave me for x mas and it is long ,but short sleeved and really warm...Thanks Mike!!

The water was amazingly warm and wind hard west ,and swell 3 to 4 feet. It was a blast. I think I got one of the best rides I have ever had in New Jersey. It was holding up all along the wall and really nicely shaped. Anyway enough about me, I met a nice guy who is a fire pipe fitter for the union and has had no work since last fall. He has worked for his brother in law building houses and his wife works as a teacher and is also working tutoring at night. It is just a testament to the fact that there is not enough work to go around. I am sure I will see him again he surfs on 78th street in Harvey cedars all the time. Really nice guy House-wize ,we are very close to getting final plans submitted for 70 Bay View and one or two weeks away for plans being ready on 7 Camden also. Looks like we will be building these two homes simultaniously. Should be fun. I will write next week as I am heading to north Jersey for a few days, and then to Cape Cod to see my nephew get married. We are all excited because we love our nephew, and he is marrying a really nice girl. Should be fun as no one from our family has ever been to the Cape. Anyway houses will start soon and I will keep updates coming.

Big Tim Champion

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