Friday, October 10, 2008

Dickey Betts and Craigslist!!!!!

I went to the Paramount theatre last night for the "Dickey Betts and Great Southern" concert. I have been watching Dickey play since Orlando spring of 1970.
It has become a tradition to see Dickey play at least yearly.The show last night was one of the best I can remember.He has a tremendous band playing with him including his son Duane, named after you know who. Anyway he is the last of a breed that we should enjoy as long as he can play.He played for almost 4 hours non stop last night and was nothing short of fantastic."Dickey Is Lord."

Craigslist or E Bay is the topic for today. I am aware of these vehicles but have learned that you can sell anything on these sites, from clothing to windows to carpets and furniture. Pavers ,tiles and bathroom fixtures. Everyone needs something and will pay to get it. The prices are great deals for the buyer and help make the demolition of the house and there contents much less painful. We split the proceeds with the person who takes the picture and posts these items. It has been amazing. Anyway I am sure I am late in this realization but thought I would share this. The houses are progressing and we should begin work on the two homes at the Jersey shore within the next few weeks. I'll post an entry later this weekend and keep you informed .

Big Tim Champion

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