Thursday, October 16, 2008

10/15/08 meeting and a surf!

Well, we met with the architect on 7 Camden today to finalize the decisions regarding the house. Rich Bubnowski renowned designer from point pleasant New Jersey , Home owner Michael McWilliams, Builder Brian Kidd and Tim and Deb McWilliams. This is really going to be a special house.Anyway we finalized some issues and decisions we needed to make to complete the plan.

Everyone seemed on board with the design and time schedule as we now see it. Brian Kidd had many questions and ideas that wee important in the building of the house and I am sure we now have a final design that is both buildable and special. I will say working with Rich has been a true pleasure, he is professional ,and works hard to get to agreement to move the project forward. More Importantly he enjoys a good Oasis cheese steak and is a surfer. Mike, Rich and I went out for a nice 1 1/2 hour session after the lunch and had a blast .3 foot waves granted on shore winds but some fun waves, and the water temp was 66 to 68 degrees. This is October 15th mind you.The beach was beautiful and very few people on it. This time of year in LBI is really wonderful. Anyway I believe the design of "NEW MOON COTTAGE" is really great. You can ask Mike about the meaning of the house name later.Thats it for today it was a great experience.


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