Thursday, October 30, 2008

70 Bayview the project begins!

Well we have a complete set of prints and we are submitting to borough for plans. The builder will now put pricing together for the house. This is nerves time and will be time to sit down and draft a contract with the builder and get started. We are more than ready ! Also we have a rendering of Mikes house on 7 Camden Ave in Harvey Cedars and If I can figure out how to post it I will.

I am learning about this Blogging thing as I go. This year for those of you who haven't been paying attention has been one of the worst economic years in memory other than the great depression. The banks and brokers and mortgage brokers sold countless mortgages they knew couldn't be paid and then resold them and insured them way beyond there capability and basically shook the world and all it's financial markets. The house of cards came tumbling down.
Anyway crazy time to be building multiple dwellings and going through this insanity. I believe in America and our ability to out produce and create and be the most brilliant and inventive people on the face of the earth. Anyway we are about to undertake the projects of building the two homes at the shore and complete the one in Essex Fells. It is a little overwhelming but I am sure it will work out in the end. I'll write soon as we begin construction.


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