Thursday, October 30, 2008

70 Bayview the project begins!

Well we have a complete set of prints and we are submitting to borough for plans. The builder will now put pricing together for the house. This is nerves time and will be time to sit down and draft a contract with the builder and get started. We are more than ready ! Also we have a rendering of Mikes house on 7 Camden Ave in Harvey Cedars and If I can figure out how to post it I will.

I am learning about this Blogging thing as I go. This year for those of you who haven't been paying attention has been one of the worst economic years in memory other than the great depression. The banks and brokers and mortgage brokers sold countless mortgages they knew couldn't be paid and then resold them and insured them way beyond there capability and basically shook the world and all it's financial markets. The house of cards came tumbling down.
Anyway crazy time to be building multiple dwellings and going through this insanity. I believe in America and our ability to out produce and create and be the most brilliant and inventive people on the face of the earth. Anyway we are about to undertake the projects of building the two homes at the shore and complete the one in Essex Fells. It is a little overwhelming but I am sure it will work out in the end. I'll write soon as we begin construction.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Surfs Up again!!!!!!

I Don't want the blog to be about surfing but today 10/21/08 the wind was north east all day then south then hard west tonight.I went up in a full suit but actually didnt need it . ( No Boots or Gloves)Actually a Patagonia suit my son gave me for x mas and it is long ,but short sleeved and really warm...Thanks Mike!!

The water was amazingly warm and wind hard west ,and swell 3 to 4 feet. It was a blast. I think I got one of the best rides I have ever had in New Jersey. It was holding up all along the wall and really nicely shaped. Anyway enough about me, I met a nice guy who is a fire pipe fitter for the union and has had no work since last fall. He has worked for his brother in law building houses and his wife works as a teacher and is also working tutoring at night. It is just a testament to the fact that there is not enough work to go around. I am sure I will see him again he surfs on 78th street in Harvey cedars all the time. Really nice guy House-wize ,we are very close to getting final plans submitted for 70 Bay View and one or two weeks away for plans being ready on 7 Camden also. Looks like we will be building these two homes simultaniously. Should be fun. I will write next week as I am heading to north Jersey for a few days, and then to Cape Cod to see my nephew get married. We are all excited because we love our nephew, and he is marrying a really nice girl. Should be fun as no one from our family has ever been to the Cape. Anyway houses will start soon and I will keep updates coming.

Big Tim Champion

Saturday, October 18, 2008

For those who are interested

Richard Bubnowski Design Engineer LLC
Check him out, his stuff is great!!!!!!!!


Thursday, October 16, 2008

10/15/08 meeting and a surf!

Well, we met with the architect on 7 Camden today to finalize the decisions regarding the house. Rich Bubnowski renowned designer from point pleasant New Jersey , Home owner Michael McWilliams, Builder Brian Kidd and Tim and Deb McWilliams. This is really going to be a special house.Anyway we finalized some issues and decisions we needed to make to complete the plan.

Everyone seemed on board with the design and time schedule as we now see it. Brian Kidd had many questions and ideas that wee important in the building of the house and I am sure we now have a final design that is both buildable and special. I will say working with Rich has been a true pleasure, he is professional ,and works hard to get to agreement to move the project forward. More Importantly he enjoys a good Oasis cheese steak and is a surfer. Mike, Rich and I went out for a nice 1 1/2 hour session after the lunch and had a blast .3 foot waves granted on shore winds but some fun waves, and the water temp was 66 to 68 degrees. This is October 15th mind you.The beach was beautiful and very few people on it. This time of year in LBI is really wonderful. Anyway I believe the design of "NEW MOON COTTAGE" is really great. You can ask Mike about the meaning of the house name later.Thats it for today it was a great experience.


Monday, October 13, 2008

Buiding at the shore.

You really have to realize that things at the shore move on island time. It is a smaller world here as it is on all island communities. You have to be patient and schmooze rather than kick butt down here.Once you get state approval to build you have to then formally apply for plan approval form the town.

Once that happens you can begin to get permits and start construction. I left to go surfing ,one of the great things about being at the shore all the time is today there was a pleasant surprise and a small but beautiful swell poped up and Deb came up to the beach and read while i sirfed some really fun waves. Any way two Bootches which only MAZ AND BOOTCH WILL KNOW WHAT THAT IS. Thats all for today!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Dickey Betts and Craigslist!!!!!

I went to the Paramount theatre last night for the "Dickey Betts and Great Southern" concert. I have been watching Dickey play since Orlando spring of 1970.
It has become a tradition to see Dickey play at least yearly.The show last night was one of the best I can remember.He has a tremendous band playing with him including his son Duane, named after you know who. Anyway he is the last of a breed that we should enjoy as long as he can play.He played for almost 4 hours non stop last night and was nothing short of fantastic."Dickey Is Lord."

Craigslist or E Bay is the topic for today. I am aware of these vehicles but have learned that you can sell anything on these sites, from clothing to windows to carpets and furniture. Pavers ,tiles and bathroom fixtures. Everyone needs something and will pay to get it. The prices are great deals for the buyer and help make the demolition of the house and there contents much less painful. We split the proceeds with the person who takes the picture and posts these items. It has been amazing. Anyway I am sure I am late in this realization but thought I would share this. The houses are progressing and we should begin work on the two homes at the Jersey shore within the next few weeks. I'll post an entry later this weekend and keep you informed .

Big Tim Champion

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Just starting the insanity

Sold my business a year and a half ago and decided to get heavily into real estate. Actually had always wanted to build a big shore house on the bay. So when one came available I jumped in and bought the existing house. The most wonderful view of the Barnegat bay I have seen. What i forgot to tell you all is that I also am completely updating my house in North Jersey, and bought an old house at the shore in my sons name and am also building a new house there.

So much for the insane part right? Carrying the debt is one thing but the planning and designing is another. It is actually quite fun designing the house. When the architect of the bay front house says this is a really big house and will be expensive I love the feeling it gives me in my nervous system like someone just chewed on tin foil. I feel I know enough to not get nervous and after the first month or so of waking up at night with a calculator in my bed I decided to not run the numbers anymore and just work at the project. We are now well in to the northern refurbishment and are well over budget. The beauty of this is I am learning very fast how to deal with the builders ,and how to quote the jobs in an intelligent way so as to reduce overages and extras. They are the gravy of the builder. They I am sure count on you changing things, and all changes cost money. Once in a while you find a way to save some money ,but if the house will have integrity it must be built correctly. Anyway I feel so lucky that I can do these things ,but this blog is to merely discuss the whole experience and get out of it what you will. Next entry will be about craigslist and how if you know someone or can do it yourself you can sell everything in the old house and some of your friends stuff too. Signing off for now !