Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Actual build up of the foundation Harvey Cedars!

These are the pictures of the cement block foundation going in today .

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Bob Shea Winds of LBI!!!!!

This is the time of year when the wind blows so hard you can't take it.
It goes right through any clothing you bundle into and regardless of the style of the clothing it gets the best of you.
I just tried to take the dogs for a walk, and got into the street, and turned around and brought them in letting them out the back door to do their business in the yard.
It is just to cold for a quality walk.
They do so love the walks, but there are days when I just can't do it.
This is the time I call Jack Nicholson time at the shore ,when the wind and cold can drive a man to say "Here's Johnnie"

Friday, February 20, 2009

Foundation poured and second floor framed.

Heh the house in Harvey Cedars poured the footing for the foundation today.
It was a tremendous amount of work to prep the site, for this pour.
Digging ,re bar, and lots of work just to get ready to pour .
Anyway it looks great and shows the basic shape of the house.
They will start block on Monday and then build from there.
The house on the bay finished framing the second floor this week, and they will begin the roof framing and building up the decking and porch posts also so they can support the roof.
Anyway interesting and learning a lot.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Band Carlon!!!!!

My son is in a band .
They have been playing, writing, recording and struggling for 3 years now.
It is a tough profession .
But you know he is completely passionate about it, and they have been blessed with a manager who works extremely hard, believes in them, and has held their hand all the way.
They are a four member band, three guitars and one drummer.
They also play organ, lap slide , and other instruments for some songs.
They have released a E.P, and now a full length LP Johari Window.
The actual release date for the Album is in March to coincide with "South By South West."
They will be playing a few gigs during that week in Austin.
It's a roller coaster ride being in a band, and takes a tremendous amount of discipline to make it happen.
All four boy are dedicated and hard working.
The band is named Carlon and their web site is
Check out their music and down load it .
As my friend Jude says; "It is all about the journey."

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Gwyneth Paltro and Madona ,you wouldn't believe.

Today Gwyneth Paltro said one of the stupidest things I have ever heard,
of course she was on Oprah when she said it.
She evidently is good friends with Madonna and when she was going through post par tum depression Madonna spoke to her and basically ,and I quote,"Madonna rearranged my molecules."
Ok this means that every woman who has post par tum depression just needs their molecules rearranged.
It is not a chemical imbalance that needs professional help , it can be cured by a good talking too, by a friend like Madonna, about how wonderful your life is, and how you should feel good about your options. She is such an amazing friend and truly can perform miracles.
I am so relieved to know it.
Woman no longer have to worry about after they have children as the molecule rearrangement is here.
Madonna is going to be very busy.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Up North getting there!

We are finally getting close up north at the house .
The trim and cabinets and such are all being worked on now.
I am enclosing pictures which kind of explain themselves.
It will be nice to have one done.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Having lost faith in the system, Social Security Visit!

Yesterday I ventured to Egg harbor to go to the Social Security office for my Dad who is no longer capable fo handling his financial or any affairs for that matter.
Anyway for three months I have been dealing with getting the proper documentation together to make me the signed individual to handle hi government issues.
I finally had all the paperwork and headed there thinking it would be easier than going to Montclair New Jersey which is a smaller office and much more populated.
Anyway after 3 hour wait they handled it with no problem the girl a extremely intelligent and competent.
Pop's money will be flowing into his account next month and all will be ok again.
The place was clean and well run .
A little overwhelmed with the number of cases they have to handle but doing well in spite of the problems.
It is never the people that are the problem its he bureaucracy that screws everything up.
Anyway couldn't say enough about the quality of service.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Progessing as it should.

The builders are progressing well every day.
The foundation is getting there on the "New Moon Cottage" house,and the bay house is moving along.
They were finally able to finish the foundation, as the weather is groundhog friendly this week.
In the 40s and 50s.
Really nice actually.
Anyway that is all at this point .
I'll put some pictures in, in a few days.
Once there is a noticeable difference.
The dogs don't care and every day is the same.
AHHHHH a dogs life.


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Whats wrong with this picture ? and Allowances

As the winter continues to move on and the houses progress ,we are in the February freeze time of winter.
This is the time where you can no longer stand the bitter cold, and the winds of winter, and you crave spring more than you can remember.
Some people go away now, and fly to the warmer climates as my son and his girl friend did leaving us with their two dogs.
The dogs are really cute and for the most part are very good.
They are a Maltese and a Shitzu.
The Maltese is the Woody Allen of dogs ,and likes to worry about everything, but did do his business and asked to go out .
Love that.
The Shitzu is like the kid who jumps off the furniture, and just pees and poos where and when he likes.
Sorry to my son ,and his girl friend who love him blindly.
He is a cute dog, but has no respect for the furniture, or anything that gets in the way of his desires to relieve himself.
I am trying to discipline him, as he makes mistakes ,but he looks at you like he doesn't get it, and just happy go lucky goes on with the days activities.
Funny but frustrating.
It's all small potatoes if you really think about it, but he is a city dog who has city rules .
We will survive it, and it certainly has made the week interesting.
Anyway the houses move on ,and the extras up north that are now coming to the decision time, are killing me.
One thing I have learned is to make sure the bid has everything in it including the kitchen sink,
Built ins, raised paneling ,things that you don't think about when you are quoting the job.
Do as much research as you can up front ,and try to have everything in the bid.
Finally when they put allowances in the bid for things they will never put enough money in the allowances.
This enables them to get the job ,but then add on when you tell them what you really want.
I don't think it is devious, I just think they know about what it will take, and they estimate on the low side .
Once the project is underway you need to get it finished, and you will do what you must to get there.
Human Nature.,
All in all the dogs are funny, and good and the houses are progressing quite nicely.
I guess we are lucky to have so much life and love around us, and be doing so much!
I will write soon.