Thursday, January 29, 2009

Actually quite beautiful,and the band is doing great.

One thing about living at the shore in the winter is that it is sometimes lonely ,sometimes too quiet , some times very windy and cold but sometimes very beautiful.
There are days that we so enjoy walking the dogs on the beach looking for sea glass.
No competition in the winter.
Anyway it is not so bad here . I am chomping at the bit a little and I really miss my friends and the socialization ,but it is bearable.
I could spend 8 to 10 month here, and a few away ,as most of the people who are retired and live here do.
My son is in a Band and they are working very hard at making a path in the music business.
I understand when you tell people that he is in a band and pursuing that field people
look at you like your face is purple.
My guess is that every band or person that makes it in the industry is told they are insane , so I think it is great to go for it .
They have produced an E P and now there first album.
It is going well and they are getting some buzz and booking some good shows.
I wont go into it other than to tell you the bands name is Carlon and the web site is
Give a listen and download the music if you want.
Will write next once houses move to next step.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

View from the bay!

Bay House! From Street

Midwinter doldrums!

It is the end of January and snowing sleeting and raining.
The winter is moving on and the houses are also. We have finished the bulkhead and retaining wall on the house in Harvey Cedars they have marked the set backs so we are ready for the pilings and foundation to start. The Bay house is well on the way to framing the first floor.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Our 33rd Anniversary was yesterday.

I cant believe we have been married for 33 years. We dated for 5 years before that so it was and has been a long time. Every man needs a stabilizing force in his life, and mine is one of the best. She always seems to right the course of my ship, as it takes turns and twists. I am very lucky to have found such a wonderful girl . Anyway we went out for dinner, and were home by 8 o"clock. Crazy down here!

After 33 years you don't have to make a big deal out of it, just dinner and early to bed. We are building these homes ,which has been a dream of ours since we were first married. Lucky to be able to live one of our dreams. Right?

Above is a picture of my love , isn't she beautiful.
My son ain't bad looking either, but she is it!!!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Snow big deal!

We had snow on the island today, and it was actually quite beautiful. The guys finishing the bulkhead, and the rear retention wall were working away regardless of the weather .The foundation masons were finishing the few sections of the foundation on the bay house, regardless of the snow and 31 degree temps. They now can lay cinder block, and set it as long as temps are 28 or above. It only takes about an hour to set.

They also put blankets on the block wall to insure it stays warm. I am learning allot by being around during the construction. I am trying to not drive the men crazy but you know me. I brought coffee and hot chocolate to both crews today, and warmed them and our relationships today.

Here are some pictures of the work in the snow and where we stand this week.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Eagles Womped us!,but my Daughter got her masters

The Eagles beat us up pretty good on Sunday. They totally outplayed us and deserved to win . They are still the dreaded Eagles and I am not sure I really want them to win anything else. I would love to see the Cardinals after many many years win a championship. Oh well certainly out of my control. Anyway as we get into projects we are constantly changing slight things as we progress and have to make small changes to the bulk head and foundation projects.

All in all things are going well. One thing that has escaped my blog so far ,but deserves to have a headline ,is the fact that my daughter finished her masters in December. This was no small task ,as she did it while teaching full time ,and at nights. We are extremely proud of what she has accomplished in an amazing amount of time.

She is an amazing girl, and who ever is lucky enough to win her favor will be a very lucky fellow. Enough about my daughter but anyway she is the best.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Weather? no problem !

Well as projects proceed we have weather issues, Wind ,rain, temperature and other factors all have something to do with pouring foundations and building bulkheads and such. The guys who work down here don't let the weather stop them unless totally necessary. They bundle up an they build foundations as long as the temperature in 33 degrees F or above. When it's below they are digging and prepping the site for a build or a pour.

Very hard working people and used to the weather being in climate. Bulk heads can be built as long as the water doesn't freeze and even of It does they plod on. It's really fun to watch. This Sunday the Philadelphia Eagles play the New York Giants. Being a life time Giants fan and living in south Jersey it is a very emotional game. My real fear is that the Eagles will win and then win two more games and win the super bowl.

If that happens the problem is that all this summer I will have to en dour the Philly fans wearing t shirts, sweatshirts and hats all summer ,and that will be very painful.
I suppose I am happy for the Philly fans who have now won a World Series and are hoping for a Super Bowl. I get the chills when I think of it, but the truth is it is a game, and how unimportant it is unless your team wins. Here are some shots of the foundation of one house ,and the bulkhead being built on the other house. Also shots of my builder taking the shed off the property in one piece so he can put on his and have a little construction office...Great idea.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Holidays and projects all underway.

We had Christmas morning in a hotel for the first time since our family history. It was strange but even stranger is that it really didn't matter where we were we had a great morning, and exchanged gifts in a wonderful way, and everyone was very thoughtful in there presentation and thoughtfulness. Christmas eve was at my sister in laws and it a wonderfully done. Also Christmas afternoon we had dinner at my in-laws and brought my 86 year old dad over for dinner and to open a few gifts. It was a nice holiday and surprisingly easy and enjoyable. We hated staying in the hotel ,but we did it fine and survived it just fine. We also went away for 5 days to the Islands right after Christmas and had a wonderful time. I am posting some pictures of the two shore houses in early construction.

There have been a few small design issues but we have resolved quickly. Insurance is an issue, as you need to have insurance during construction so you are covered for problems that could happen. Not liability but building coverage.