Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Military plan for America going forward.

One thing thats bugging me. I am sure there are much more qualified people at the Pentagon who have plans like these.
Here is how I see the future of our children and grandchildrens' world.
The world is a big place and many new problems and factions are in play.

I see a new way of battling our foes as the status quo will not hold up against the stresses and pressures of the modern battle field.
Todays battles are insurgent , radical, electronic,
and ruthless. Therefore we need to be the best form of those things also. The rules have changed and we need to understand that terrorists only understand one thing.
I am more powerful than you,  You can not reason with terrorists.
Therefore we need to address the odd yet bold style of our opponents and how we can best defeat them both physically and technically.

1.) I see a huge task force, Task force with best quick strike capability.
A force that can go anywhere with in 24 hours.
Perhaps 100,000  troops all special ops and specially trained forces. The best from all 4 services including boats , planes, copters and ground forces. Most of all we need the most talented people from the modern computer science capability. These people can be contracted to help the military without enlisting .
The best of the best.

2.)New helicopter for all forces as we created with joint strike fighter.
I know its been a crazy program poorly run, but we need manned fighter copter of that quality and   one for all services.
Tremendous mobility and new uniforms just for strike force .

3.) Other forces go all over the world helping people in need all over the globe.
Why don't we temporarily deploy troops around America to areas of need ,patrol borders and just keep the population safe .
Not replacing law enforcement and not ruffling feathers , just there to help in many ways.
Take a group of our soldiers perhaps 200,000 nation wide and have them working and assisting our communities in need.
Public service work.
We are paying large numbers for this capability and then sending soldiers to rebuild Iraq Seria , Korea , lets take care of our own first.
We can still be a good ally and not pay for everything we do world wide.
People bite the hand that feeds them, we know that it happens every time we get involved overseas we are eventually disliked for it .
I am by no means an isolationist , yet I agree the countries we help must contribute.
If you just do everything for someone they will lose self esteem and resent you for it.
So a policy of assistance but not dependance is the answer. Create a mobile force to help with hot spots when we are invited to and then just as quickly get out.
Create equipment and forces to accomplish this and then take remaining troops and do good in America.
There are plenty of areas in America that need help. The populous will be in contact with the young woman and men of our services, which will breed trust and appreciation of those soldiers.
We have a huge military made up of very talented and competent individuals.
Let them do good and help the country when not on deployment.
This is my humble concept and certainly a game changer.
I may not understand the huge military and its desires and directions , but I do know we have to change a losing game.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Agree, we are building, rebuilding and rebuilding all over the map while our own infrastructure crumbles.