Monday, March 28, 2016

Cold cuts and American obsession?

Lunch meats, cold cuts, cooked meats, deli meats , sliced meats,

Whatever you want to call them,
Aside from being higher in carcinogens, filled with nitrates, and sodium and worse for you than red meat, we still consume millions of pounds of cold cuts per year.
I need to write about a lunch meat experience of mine.
When you stand at a counter and order cold cuts you often have to take a number because it is the most crowded place in any food store or market.
Specialization in America is the modern way.
As Burger King has" have it your way" the cold cut business is much more personal yet no less specialized.
During the last year or so I have experienced all the emotions a meat counter can instill.
The anxious number taker can get the lowest number possible by hurry to the number machine and grabbing the ticket as quickly as possible. Deli meat anxiety!
Ok I am number 93 and they are at 84 should I dare go do more shopping and take the chance that I might miss my number or should I just stand here and wait for the endless process of grabbing large chunks of meat or cheese and slicing the desired weight a customer wants. Such a hard decision yet I dare not lose my place in line. I'll just stand here like a meat hungry husky and wait and wait.
If I miss my number when they call it out  I'll have to wait again and oh God what could happen then.
The liverwurst I love might not be available or the special ham from Virginia will be sold out.
Such cold cut anxiety.
The other strange issue with cold cuts comes with the comments and requests I hear people make.
The other day I heard a man say" Can you please slice my baked turkey half regular thickness and half thinner , but not too thin as it breaks apart when I pull it from the package, and I don't like that."
Ok so the lovely gal behind the counter sliced him 3 samples so he could select the proper thickness to accommodate his desire. The week before the lady next to me actually said the following comment. " Can you slice my Roast Beef half rare and half medium rare as my husband and I like it differently." Server; "I will pull out different roast beefs and let your select the properly cooked ones and I'll give you half each way." Is this sane or insane. Who are we to judge.
Wow now that is insanely compliant and service oriented .
I am not sure I would be able to accommodate these requests. I might throw and slab of Capicola at someone.
The ultimate accomplishment of the meat slicer is the "Perfect weigh "
When the amount comes out perfectly to the exact amount the customer wants it is like a hole in one or a strike in bowling or a home run.
If you are a vegan you would miss the wonderful world of cold cuts .
I guess all I am saying is why not "have it your way." The cold cut is here to stay!

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