Saturday, January 18, 2014

Aggressive attitude is the answer!

I have practiced aggressive driving in NYC since I was a young man and would often head into the city with friends for various reasons.
Change lanes, beep horn, accelerate quickly and brake hard and fast.
It does work. I am in the city quite often now, as we have rented an apt to be near the kids and also enjoy all the city has to offer .
We have always wanted to do this and we are having a blast.
Theatre,Opera,Museum's,walks in the park and great restaurants all abound.
It really is fun.
We are on the upper west side so we have been shopping at Whole Foods in the Time Warner building.
It is a crazy place and when I was shopping for a few items the other day I realized that it's just like driving in NYC.
People don't look up they are texting and shopping simultaneously, they sit in the middle of the isle with no regard for those around them. They double park and never a yield to let you by, or an excuse me or pardon me or please go ahead.
If you can't handle it then get out of the way.
Once you speak to people most are nice and have very interesting lives.
Everyone has a story in the Big Apple.
So my advice is to drive and shop aggressively in NYC!

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