Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Wonder or Wonder!

I have been looking at my new grandchild in Wonder.
There are two kinds of Wonder and actually maybe more.
The kind of Wonder where you just don't know how to explain the beauty and Wonder like effect something has on you and then the' I Wonder" what that means kind of Wonder. Both have there purpose and are important. Plain Wonder and if we don't Wonder we don't grow.
Either way it's a Wonderful time of year.
Not because of Hanuka or Christmas , but because there is a Wonder that overcomes people in spite of all the problems , strife, negative press, and issues the world over. Because regardless of all of these things there is a Wonder that takes place every year at the holiday season. We seem to feel that things will work out, and the amazingly positive human spirit will win out, regardless of our differences.
So if this season were to do nothing but to be a catalyst for renewed spirit, and somehow give us strength to face the year with renewed belief. Then that is fine and it is enough.
I suppose the gift giving and the pomp and decorations and celebration are all good ,but let us not forget that it's really about caring about each other and giving to each other and maybe about forgiving each other a little too.
Perhaps just perhaps the word Wonder is the answer to what it means.
I Wonder?