Thursday, December 29, 2011

Arrogance and Humility both are taught? Personal responcibility is the key!

I see so much arrogance in our world in everyday life and in sports especially.
I believe arrogance is taught, or just tremendous insecurity.
You are the best, and you don't need to play by the rules ,and you are not responsible for your actions. Everyone gets a trophy and you don't need to perform or out perform anyone its O.K.
Our republic is based on achievement and the drive to better ones life and the opportunity to do so. Our goal is to give every citizen the ability to excel to there own level of achievement.
This doesn't always happen, but the opportunities are not perfectly even of course as the haves have some privileges and connections that the havenots don't.
This is politics and it happens . You can rise above it regardless of the circumstance if you want to.

No society is perfect, but the drafts of the "constitution" and the "bill of rights" do call for the opportunity to be present.
No guarantees but opportunity.
Arrogance is learned buy parents ,coaches and others in your life and so is humility.
I see so much arrogance and entitlement in our world.
When I was growing up you were taught to make your own way. If you had advantages it was a shame to squander them.
It was your choice.
You would work hard and create your own luck by using your God given talents and hard work .
It's the way nature intends it .
Survival of the fittest, it's the laws of nature and since we are nature and God is nature it is a tough world but based on survival. If you are clever you can survive and flourish.
No one owes you anything, and if you wait for someone to do something for you, you will be disappointed. Make your own way and if something goes well or someone favors you with kindness ,then be humbled by it ,and appreciative as no one owes it to you. Of course as a compassionate society we want to help those who are truly down on their luck or sick .
We need to balance it and make sure its not a pure entitlement .
This takes cost and overhead.
It's expensive to care for others, but it certainly is the right thing to do, yet we need to have strict guidelines and adhere to them. I will write about the health care issue in my next blog entry and I truly have a very simple answer ,but like the flat tax the cattle in Washington will never vote for it until "WE THE PEOPLE" stand up and insist on being counted.

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