Friday, September 23, 2011

The use of thermostats and the insanity of it all.

The thermostat is one of the greatest inventions of all time.
You see the temperature, so let's say its summer and its hot and the outside temp is 89 degrees.
So you set the thermostat for 70 now that is a lot of work to get the house down to 70 but the system keeps pushing until the house is 70.
Ah it feels so nice.
Then the system shuts off once the temp in the house is the same as the thermostat says.
Then the temp in the house starts to build and once it goes above 70 on the thermostat the system goes on keeping the house at 70.
The cold air only blows while the system is on maintaining 70 degrees.
Now if you ask certain people they say why is the fan not blowing all the time ,and if we keep turning the temp down in the house that will constantly be blowing cold air right?
If you continue to lower the temperature in the house or leave the fan blowing the whole time this might solve the problem, but it will not stop the energy company from shutting off your power when you can't pay the bill.
Carbon footprint excluded.
Who knows, it all depends on what the thermostat says and what the temperature is outside, and what the attitude is inside?

1 comment:

BigED99 said...

Iam going to get in trouble for saying this but here goes. I think that ALL women should take a course on how a thermostat works ! I know my wife has no clue and here 3 sisters and my daughter follow suite.
Just one of those things I guess.