Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Circle of Life!

I know there are plenty of parents and grandparents who understand the meaning of "The Circle of Life." I suppose it doesn't really hit you until you experience it first hand.
The miracle of birth is the most amazing gift that we are given. To renew and or cleanse the soul like a swim in the ocean!
It never fails to amaze you, and it is bigger than anything else can be.
It is the succession of our race ,and the hope that there is a better day, and a better society in our future. I suppose that there is a grand plan although sometimes I think its all left to chance.
The miracle is that through doubt , sadness , glory, tragedy, triumph, having and not having.
It all comes down to being with the people we care about, and have feelings for.
It's that simple.
I am not sure what the purpose of life is, but i do know that the time spent here is best spent with our friend and families because when it comes down to it that's all we have.
And I mean All!

1 comment:

cynthia dexter said...

I believe in all that you said but i carry it one step further because i believe all life on the planet and in the oceans is all precious and i wish "man" could extend those thoughts to include respect for a birthing whale, a pod of dolphins. Sometimes "man" seems to think the world is just for him and his ego and his perpetuation of his species and tends to deplete all the other resources as if they are there just for his pleasure either unknowing or uncaring that all species are to be honored and though they cant communicate it, they also demonstrate emotion, caring for their young and enjoying their lives.