Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Martin Short ,One of the greats.

So many of the great comics of our time came from Canada.
There is something about the Canadian sense of humor.
John Candy, Martin Short, Mike Myers to only name a few.
Anyway the point is ,Martin Short was hosting Regis this morning and the topic of the TV show Jersey Shore came up in the conversation.
Martin coined a phrase that put the whole thing in a "Nut Shell." To quote the great Mike Myers.
When discussing all the reality shows that now are everywhere on television,he said the following.
"I don't see a reason to Celebrate Ignorance."
I presume it is my age and demographic that make me feel the same way. I am not the audience that TV is after. I understand that, but the shows are so awful, and contribute so to the dumbing of America. I just don't understand why we are fascinated by the lowest denominator.
Does it really make us feel better about our own lot in life .
I don't believe that for a minute.
I think it's raw fascination with the Ignorant behavior.
We have much better things to do than idle waste.
How about reading a book or having a conversation with a friend ,or a person who you can learn from.
Anyway I know I am sounding like a grandfather, although I am not one yet.
Pick up a book , or exercise or take a walk.
I am trying to ignore the whole phenom ,yet I defend the right of those who enjoy it .

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