Friday, January 22, 2010

Change for change sake is Stupidity !

"Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it."

- Ronald Reagan

I was right about the American people righting the ship .
They know when the sails are too full.
Now the brilliant government ,and our current leaders are attempting to tax profits and limit compensations of corporations who took stimulus moneys.
Fairly, if corporations have not repaid monies they should be limited in what they can do, but there are ways to do that without stifling capitalism.

Of course once wall street got wind of it, they had two huge slide days ,and profit taking was rampant. Wall street will create ways to make money ,it's what they do,they are very good at it, and they know how to defer compensation, and or give stock options , allow paydays to be when they want them.
They know hell is coming and they are buying ice lined boots.
The Administration is hell bent on wealth redistribution.
it is a bad practice.
it is counter intuitive to the American system, and we will rebel against this attitude again and again.
Get ready for the Change to Change.
It is coming.

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