Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Martin Short ,One of the greats.

So many of the great comics of our time came from Canada.
There is something about the Canadian sense of humor.
John Candy, Martin Short, Mike Myers to only name a few.
Anyway the point is ,Martin Short was hosting Regis this morning and the topic of the TV show Jersey Shore came up in the conversation.
Martin coined a phrase that put the whole thing in a "Nut Shell." To quote the great Mike Myers.
When discussing all the reality shows that now are everywhere on television,he said the following.
"I don't see a reason to Celebrate Ignorance."
I presume it is my age and demographic that make me feel the same way. I am not the audience that TV is after. I understand that, but the shows are so awful, and contribute so to the dumbing of America. I just don't understand why we are fascinated by the lowest denominator.
Does it really make us feel better about our own lot in life .
I don't believe that for a minute.
I think it's raw fascination with the Ignorant behavior.
We have much better things to do than idle waste.
How about reading a book or having a conversation with a friend ,or a person who you can learn from.
Anyway I know I am sounding like a grandfather, although I am not one yet.
Pick up a book , or exercise or take a walk.
I am trying to ignore the whole phenom ,yet I defend the right of those who enjoy it .

Friday, January 22, 2010

Change for change sake is Stupidity !

"Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it."

- Ronald Reagan

I was right about the American people righting the ship .
They know when the sails are too full.
Now the brilliant government ,and our current leaders are attempting to tax profits and limit compensations of corporations who took stimulus moneys.
Fairly, if corporations have not repaid monies they should be limited in what they can do, but there are ways to do that without stifling capitalism.

Of course once wall street got wind of it, they had two huge slide days ,and profit taking was rampant. Wall street will create ways to make money ,it's what they do,they are very good at it, and they know how to defer compensation, and or give stock options , allow paydays to be when they want them.
They know hell is coming and they are buying ice lined boots.
The Administration is hell bent on wealth redistribution.
it is a bad practice.
it is counter intuitive to the American system, and we will rebel against this attitude again and again.
Get ready for the Change to Change.
It is coming.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Been so long since Ive Written!!!!!

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government. "
Thomas Jefferson

I haven't written in so long I just thought I would catch up.
Christmas was great the day of ,but the lead up is nuts.
Just too frantic.
We complicated things, as we often do, by going away for a vacation 2 days after.
One of our favorite places.
We had a great time but its allot !
We are settling in for the real winter now, as the temp is 19 degrees.
Its a long winter ,but all good.
I suppose we are getting to the age when people leave in the winter to go to a warm climate for a few months.
The point of today's writing is that the very premise of the country of America was that the government is not supposed to impose costs on the people without the peoples say so.
Just because we elect representatives doesn't mean they can become arrogant enough to presume they act in our best interest without our permission.
Just because you are elected does not mean you can pass legislation, for the sake of what you desire or think the American people want.
How arrogant is that.
Even if you run on the premise of doing something you must open the process to have the debate prior to inflicting policy on the masses.
This is what was wrong with England when we left .
I hope the American people wake up, and respond as they always have in the past when either or party got to far to one side, and do not follow the will of the people .
They will I am sure of it ,as once you have lived truly free it is not easy to go the other direction .
That is the wonderful thing about freedom ,It frees you.