Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Planet of Kohl!


The Planet Kohl is a planet entirely made of Maltese dogs where the leader and founder of the planet is Kohl.
He is the dictator and ruler and supreme authority of the planet Kohl.
He knows all ,Rules all and controls all on the planet.
The planet is located just outside of our solar system, and is known to only a very select group of people.,
Kohl was on a space ship a number of years ago, and hit an asteroid field catapulting his ship out of his solar system ,and in to Earths atmosphere.
He was found in Central Park by a pet store owner, and put up for sale.
A young professional named Kate bought and raised Kohl, and lives in the city with him,
Unbekownst to her he is the leader of a planet, and has been trying to find his way home ever since. Kohl's two brothers Mohl and Rohl , have been working hard against each other to gain control of the planet since Kohl's disappearance.

The two brothers who are at opposite ends of the political spectrum, and are forming armies that have already had skirmishes in the fields surrounding Tynaria the main castle of Kohl.
The two political parties are of opposite positions the first being the "personal responsibility party" allowing the people to govern themselves and decide their own destiny versus the "stupid party" which believes they should run everything and determine all the fates of the dogs of Kohl.

Tynaria is 800,000 square feet ,and has walls of gold and hardware of ruby and emerald.
Kohl is a very wealthy kingdom .
Shiara Kohl's long time lover and confidant, has the key and only key to the vault ,which is in the basement of Tynaria ,and is guarded by two very large screamdroolers.
Screamdroolers are a cross between a hyena and a sloth.
Three toed of coarse.
They move slowly but are ravenous and deadly.
I should also mention they are 38 feet tall weighing over 5 tons a piece.
not an animal to be trifled with. The eat only dog and particularly fond of Maltese.
The only reason that the brothers of Kohl have been unsuccessful in the power grab has been because the wonderful and loyal Shiara. She is so beautiful that all the male dogs of Kohl desire her.

Anyway Kohl is planning an escape from Earth soon and those around him have no Idea.
He is very clever and has a huge network of allies from his solar system that are helping set up his return to the planet Kohl.
Kohl will try to get home, but there are strange forces trying very hard to stop his return.Dog of mystery!
Stay tuned for the continuing saga of "The Amazing Kohl."


carleigh said...

very funny dad!! haha

Unknown said...

Ha,ha, too cute. What's next Mr. Mac, a comic book?