Monday, December 8, 2008

Started Demolition of Bay House Today!

They started the demolition of the house on the bay today. The machine and the guy running it are amazing. Now a days the machine does all the work. It destroys the house and picks up the rubble and loads it into the trucks very efficiently and quickly.They only worked a half day today and they will be back to finish on Wednesday.

I am enclosing pictures also.
HERE WE GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Denise Ryan said...

Wow, can't believe it has begun. thanks for leaving the room to the right intact for me and Kevin.
It's hard to compete with demo pictures, but
Deecee my life blog still rules.

baylee said...

WHOA ! , i cant wait to see it , also hate to say , but the view from marco's must be amazing without the house there hahahah

carleigh said...

Hilarious it!