Monday, December 15, 2008

Walmart and waiting for approval on our application.

You can get anything at Wallmart .
You can get food , clothing , Electronics and almost anything you can imagine. You can also see people on those ride around carts. I understand that there are people who need them, and are disabled in some way, but there are also people who look completely normal, and I think they

are lazy and ride the carts just for the fun of it. This sounds terrible ,but I am willing to wager to prove this theory. There were also people yelling at each other across different isles, and over the top of 2 or 3 isles. They were carrying on fights literally across isles and over partisans and continuing to yell at each other until they left the store.

I found this behavior a little over the top. I am sorry but this was like being in a movie and was as surreal as any place I have ever been. On another note when you are waiting for approval of an application for building permit in the one town we are building in ,you have to wait for a long time, as the building department only works on Wednesdays and Fridays. Go figure! I would love to work two days a week. Either way you have to wait.

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