Thursday, November 13, 2008

Dogs , Music ,Visiting my Dad and building three houses at once.

I spent the day up North yesterday and went to visit my dad in the place he now lives.nHe is 86years old and has dementia or Alzheimer's. What I am writing about is the effect that my visit had on the people in the infirmary, and the effect it had on me.
I brought my toy labradoodle "Honey Pie" with me . She is a great ice breaker, and gives us something to occupy the time that I am there. Dad doesn't offer much anymore, and I find myself at a loss for words.(Believe it or not) Honey Pie creates quite a stir when she arrives, and elderly people who have not spoken in months ,wake right up, and relate a dog story from their life. Smiles abound as the visit goes on. Yesterday was a very special day ,and they had a fellow come by to sing songs ,with a guitar and a synthesizer . He was great and sang songs like "Under the Boardwalk." What I noticed is that Animals ,especially Dogs (Sorry for the Cat people out there) and music have a amazing ability to cheer the human soul.

What is amazing is how music and Dogs are universally able to brighten up a r0om ,and the positive energy is pure. Both have a kind of unconditional love aspect that change things immediately. If there is a supreme being, these two things were made a part of life to ease the pain we all face in our daily lives. Anyway the effect was remarkable, and I will continue to bring the dog to the visits ,and to listen to music for obvious reasons. Regarding the house projects, we met with the architect and builder on" New Moon" today , and the plans are going in tomorrow for approval.

We have plans submitted on both houses at the shore now. Once approvals are received we will be aggressively moving forward. Hope by the 20th of November we will start both houses.
I'll keep you posted and the blog should soon become about the actual building of the houses from then on.


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