Sunday, November 9, 2008

Atlantic City and living at the shore.

Yesterday We went to see Dennis Miller at the Borgata. You have to lean right a little to enjoy his very intelligent style of humor. Even if you disagree with him politically you have to agree he has a way with simile and images that make you see what he is talking about and feel what he means.

This is a gift. We laughed and enjoyed the show he was truly entertaining. One of the joys of living at the shore is having the shows so close. Could care less about the gambling. Stupid putting money in a box or on table, and having someone take it away fast and over 99% of the time. Think about it ?

Anyway we didn't gamble, but we had a great dinner, and a lot of laughs at the Miller show. Ray Davies is playing at the Borgata in late November and I can't go . I would love to see Ray as I think he is a musical genius. The Kinks wrote and played such a simple style of music . Not evident in today's music much. We are in Limbo on the houses waiting for the boroughs to approve plans in both cases. Once approvals are issued I am sure we will hit the ground running.
Patients is a virtue, yet I am not sure I understand being patient as it has never been one of my strengths.

PS: Above is a picture of my life long friend Bootch's back yard in Hawaii. Never been there but maybe in the next few years. Paradise!!!

More Later!

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