Sunday, October 10, 2021

No that much has changed the spirit of the American People is alive!!!!!

  It is fall 2021 and I was up to see my grandchildren at my daughters house .

One of the best parts of the visit is walking to pick them up from the bus stop and or walking them to the stop in the morning.

This was the first time I walked them to the stop.

Its literally a few hundred feet from the house right on the corner.

They all had their backpacks and lunches in tow.

I am always early when I do anything,  so we got to the corner 10 minutes ahead of time to wait for the bus.

When we arrived the different children from the block began to show up. Within seconds a large game of freeze tag erupted.

Come on freeze tag?  Who knew they even knew what that was.

Deja Vu all over again.

Wonderful to just watch the game unfold.

Only one difference they all had masks hanging around their necks.

This is 2021 and the God awful pandemic is still upon us.

The world has changed, but hasn't changed.

The children's spirit shines through the difficulty and inconvenience. They don't care, they just do.

We will come through the new virus as already signs of the easing, and news of therapeutics that will not make the virus disappear, but will make it manageable. 

I have faith in the American people and the world community. We will rise above this most misunderstood and confusing time.

The children renew my faith in humanity. The power of love and understanding will win out.



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