Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I suppose life is funny!

You have to laugh or you would never make it. You cant go into Starbucks without seeing some very strange people.
Not only do you have to speak a foreign language Buckeeze, with words like Grande and Vente
and Mocacheeto. I made that one up.

It feels so less than manly. I cringe each time I go in to one.
Why did they market the coffee with new names and styles.
very original actually and it certainly worked.
I suppose it's the times and the flavor.
The market changes with each generation. I am now addicted to Grandee peppermint maccachito( Spelled Differently than above). Have no idea how to spell that or how to stop drinking them.
They taste so damn good.
Filled with sugar and syrups and chocolate and whipped cream.
I have resisted Starbucks until I tasted one of these and then I now go a few times a week for one.

Anyway coffee is not the same and not sure how I will cope with this as I go forward.
Hate myself for going there.

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