Thursday, March 5, 2009

Candle fire and clogging the drain of the disposal.

When you leave a real large candle burning in your house in a large glass container it has a tendency to melt all the wax, and fill the house with smoke.
The good thing is when you come home early enough, and your house hasn't burnt down.
Then when your drain doesn't work the next day, and you pour Draino down it to unclog it, and use a plunger multiple times, to no avail.
You think, "well it was melted wax and not that much of it that we dumped down the drain."
Finally you decide to take the trap out under the garbage disposal, and as you do you find this in the trap and the adjoining pipes.
Oh boy we live and learn.


carleigh said...

When did this happen? Carleigh

Poppo said...

a few weeks a go
We are crazy down here.