Monday, December 22, 2008

We start "New Moon Cottage"

Half of a New Moon!

Today we started to demolish the house in Harvey Cedars after a long time planning and and waiting for approvals. We got about half the house knocked down and tomorrow the rest will come down. We also got our bulk head permit formally today so they can start to reconstruct the new bulk head and the retaining wall on the West and North end of the property. The bulk head should not take more than a week or two? The wall should also go up pretty quickly and then the piles for the house can go next. It is exciting to start the project and the house should move along regularly from now on.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Approval and blood pressure medicine... for my dog?

We received approval to go ahead on the house in Harvey Cedars. First we have to build a bulk head and retention wall along the west and north wall of the property so drainage issues are taken care of. Then we can begin construction of the actual house.
But it is nice we are approved. I spent the morning picking up blood pressure medicine for my 12 year old dog. They have come so far with medicines for animals like they have for humans. it just seems strange to be picking up her medicine . She is a wonderful animal and is healthy other than a little high blood pressure. We hope she lives many more years as the pleasure she brings is unmeasurable. By the way its Christmas week. We are not back to having normal Christmas's yet and this year we are having it in a hotel.


Monday, December 15, 2008

Walmart and waiting for approval on our application.

You can get anything at Wallmart .
You can get food , clothing , Electronics and almost anything you can imagine. You can also see people on those ride around carts. I understand that there are people who need them, and are disabled in some way, but there are also people who look completely normal, and I think they

are lazy and ride the carts just for the fun of it. This sounds terrible ,but I am willing to wager to prove this theory. There were also people yelling at each other across different isles, and over the top of 2 or 3 isles. They were carrying on fights literally across isles and over partisans and continuing to yell at each other until they left the store.

I found this behavior a little over the top. I am sorry but this was like being in a movie and was as surreal as any place I have ever been. On another note when you are waiting for approval of an application for building permit in the one town we are building in ,you have to wait for a long time, as the building department only works on Wednesdays and Fridays. Go figure! I would love to work two days a week. Either way you have to wait.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Started Demolition of Bay House Today!

They started the demolition of the house on the bay today. The machine and the guy running it are amazing. Now a days the machine does all the work. It destroys the house and picks up the rubble and loads it into the trucks very efficiently and quickly.They only worked a half day today and they will be back to finish on Wednesday.

I am enclosing pictures also.
HERE WE GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

We now have a black card at Costco.

As previously stated in my blog the only club we belong to is Costco and as of today we are black card holders at Costco. I am not sure what that does for you, but you get discounts and points ,and stuff like that. Some people aspire to be a American Express Black Card holder and some are looking for the Costco Black Card. It 's a matter of personal taste. I bought pj's today for 18 bucks. No club is better than that! And the special apples they have that taste better than any apple in the modernized world.
Just thought I would mention that we are now black card holders.