Monday, November 13, 2017

Attitude is everything!

"If we watch 24 hour news and follow things like Twitter and Facebook we are so inclined to miss the world around us instead of using our time to relate to real people and not the perceptions they create on social media."

This has nothing to do with my blog entry today just a thought I couldn't get out of my head.

 Yesterday I was in Target and as usual I am standing by the front counter like some weird old man and getting looks from everyone as to why I am just standing there.
I am usually relegated to go get paper towels and coffee creamer. I completed my assigned tasks and was waiting for my wife to finish shopping when an amazing moment happened .
Walking past me or should I say shuffling and riding past me there was an older couple getting ready to check out.  The wife who was on a cart and of limited mobility said to her husband , " Are you ready?"
The husband without missing a beat said "I was born ready" 
I was so struck by the optimistic reply it made me laugh and realize these people are not only still in love, but they have humor and a positive attitude.
I loved it.
You know, we get all tied up in our daily lives worrying about the problems we and our kids have and the issues of the day, we forget that attitude is the key.
Yes, sometimes things become insurmountable or we think they are,  yet there is often an answer if we are positive.
If we listen to the news and dwell on the negative, as they would have us do ,we can become stressed and worried all the time.
That's not to say you should put your head in the sand,  be aware of the world and its problems, but don't let them dominate your life.
My wife and I headed for the exit at Target and this couple were just getting out the doors even though they began to check out 10 minutes before us.
As the tortoise said. "Slow and steady wins the race."