Tuesday, December 11, 2012

"Time to jump off the cliff in more ways than one."

The current financial crisis is not about tax increases we are getting those and will continue to get those to pay for the stuff we all have and feel we need. It's about winning the P.R. battle.
Personally I think "the cliff" is a good idea it may cause real change and force compromise.
True spending cuts have pain involved in them. I have done it as a business owner and as a family leader.
It's hard to say no to ourselves as we have been taught that the American dream is that every generation
should do better and have more.
Well that is not sustainable so we are disappointed when we don't have a bigger house and a nicer car.
We all need to decide we are going to do with less and only what we really need in life. Not easy!
The trappings of marketing and desire are many and very hard to not feel less than fulfilled watching the television in America. Those shows are self fulfilling,  the more opinions we have and more controversial we are the better.
Reality T.V. such as following a family around when they know you are following them around is as unreal as it gets
24 hour news and the onslaught of advertising that goes with it are out of control.
24 Hour news and reality T.V. ( Not anywhere close to reality) are not good for our culture.
They are like the  Piranha family who owns a meat market.  Eat as much as you want there is always more. Everyone is getting paid and everyone has an opinion.
You know what they say about opinions, well it's true.
Those shows are self fulfilling,  the more opinions we have and more controversial we are the better.
Come on people we are smarter and more interesting than that. That's not reality and its not real.
It is a stomach acid free for all. I have chosen to not indulge in it and am better off for it.
How about doing constructive things with our time. Real things that have to do with real people.
Not saying what , just that it should be real. It's a waste of time spending hours watching other people pretend to live their lives.
That's down right nuts!

Jingle Bells!