Monday, June 11, 2012

I quit Facebook!

I quit Facebook a few weeks ago and I was worried how I would keep up with friends and family and all the goings on in our very busy lives.
When you get constant updates about every ones life you tend to waste a lot of time reading them and responding to their nothingness.
Let me explain.
Most of the information on Facebook is inconsequential by nature and really is voyeuristic and narcissistic.
It has its values to connect with people you don't normally talk to , or haven't seen in a long time, yet my contention is that if you really want to see them or talk to them you can use e- mail or text messages  or send pictures.
The temptation to constantly check the status for people you really don't have in your everyday lives is very strong and feels a need to respond or connect. Our lives are so busy I contend that we have plenty to keep us involved with those we really have in our lives and we need some down time, some reading time , some family time and some I need to focus time.
I have found in a few short weeks the time to read everyday and the time to play scrabble with my wife everyday and the time to work on my chores around the house. I have lots of those and I am actually getting them done.
Most of all I have time to think about and do the things in my life that are truly important and to be with the people who are also. (Oh and more time for surfing.) Ha
Facebook is great for marketing , business connections and those who are truly removed from everyday life and need the connection.
I have no problem with that. For me I have realized that it is not value added.
It's that simple.
Good luck with it ,but so far I have not missed it one bit.