Sunday, March 4, 2012

My dog has a perfectly balanced clock in her body and is more diceplined than anyone I know.

Dogs and other animals are such amazing creatures but sorry dogs more than any other.
You can't really describe it. I think if there is a supreme being or perhaps the "Force" as depicted in the movie "Star Wars" then dogs souls enter the "Force" as well. They would be the gyroscope that would keep the ship of life level in a raging sea.
Dogs have a built in clock and an amazing sense of mood and feeling. They know when you are down and they know when you are up.
If you need a friend they are always there, and a friend in deed.
No matter what happens they comfort without reason, and they comfort regardless of how they are.
It is truly amazing and by some grand design, How do they know and why are they here.
Somebody said "Heh ! Man can be a miserable son of a gun, so he will need someone to just be there for him and comfort him or her regardless of the circumstance.
Perhaps we can learn something from the dog and not judge each other when we confront and or comfort each other.
Anyway animals are not just here for food and comfort , and I am a hunter gatherer by belief, yet they serve a wonderful purpose and it is comfort and beauty beyond our understanding.
Perhaps just perhaps they are the superior being and exist to teach us how to live with dignity, civility and class.
No me just us !