Thursday, January 19, 2012

Decency , Kindness and Manners most of all!

Decency , Kindness and Manners most of all!
I have noticed lately in both New York and New jersey that people are extremely abrupt and discourteous.
No one says excuse me or pardon me or lets you go threw a door ahead of them or holds a door for you. It happens very infrequently.
Is this because we are all so busy and crazy and stressed .
Well that is not an excuse.
It is very blatant and upsetting. My New Years resolution was and is to slow down and return to a slower life ,and try to be courteous and kinder in my every day life.
Being retired it's probably a little easier ,yet i really need to work at it.
We are all so busy that we need to work at slowing things down.
I am repulsed by people who push past you or don't even notice others are there.
I remember manners being taught and I am sure they are not any more.
it's old fashioned and outdated.
Well I think we need a return to decency and I will continue to teach my children and grandchildren to be courteous and kind and most of all respectful of others.
It is that simple!