Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Jingle Freekin Bells!

If you are from a foreign country and you have never experienced the Holidays in America you have to come do it because it is insane.
I have never really watched the holidays from a distance before but as I get older and things are no longer as nutsy I have a different perspective, I get it.
The holiday becomes about seeing my kids, friends and family.
That's all it really should be.
Everyone hopes to slow it all down and make it a small, quiet time to reflect on blessings and how wonderful life is, and how we can be charitable to others.
If we don't have a greater meaning than buying each other things what good is it.
America, as I have mentioned is the marketing capital of the world and always will be .
The feeling is I don't have enough, people on t.v. ,radio and the Internet are telling me to buy stuff. Hurry don't wait we even run our financial models off of the consumer.
What if the financial model was that if we are charitable and don't spend as much we are being frugal an smart about what we are doing.
How about we take half of what we spend on each other at Christmas each year and give it to the charity of our choice.
Wouldn't that be wonderful.
Then our hearts would swell with the true joy and spirit they were meant to.
Oh boy I am getting carried away now I have to stop at the bakery ,and go to the mall and the booze store and run and get the tree today and put it up, take the dog to the vet , deliver gifts and run some other errands.
I love the love of Christmas not sure how I feel about the craziness?
May the season be full of family,friends and love.