Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Heading to Surf trip.

I have been going on a surf trip for the last 5 years, every year.
The trip has grown, and we had 12 guys this year.
This entry is about the insanity of the airlines ,and how things get worse instead of better ,regarding air travel.
The paradigm should change, and to quote the famous Arthur Ashe 'Change a losing game."
We were leaving from JFK early one morning and as we taxied out we were 2nd in line when the Captain came on the speaker and said the following. " There has been a missile launch" then he paused for a few seconds and finished his sentence with "at cape Canaveral."
There are things that are stupid and things that are ridiculous.
I am not sure which this fits, but probably both.
Then we proceeded to have to take another route on our trip, which included a additional fuel journey back to the terminal , we took off almost 2 1/2 hours later.
Once in the air the airlines continues to amaze with the new credit cards only lunch menu.
This is so employees don't handle cash or have to make change.
Snacks are free ,but meals all have to be run through a computer machine and cards are rejected and it takes 3 hours for food service on the plane.
Buy the time you land you are perhaps served and perhaps not.
If you sit in the back of the plane you can starve to death, as the trip progresses.
How about charging $20.00 and just giving everyone a meal.
If $20.00 makes you not go on the trip then would you not go if it costs $620.00 round trio instead of $600.00 .
The airline industry has not done well ever.
I cannot remember when they were financially sound .
The industry must charge for what they provide, but management must change the paradigm completely.
It isn't working very well.
How about security an the hassle .
With all the smart people in our nation you would think we could figure out a machine that you can walk through without taking half of your clothes off .
It's insane.
I realize there are concerns, and we have to make it safe ,but there must b a better way.
I don't have the answer so I don't like to criticize, but I feel like there are smart people who can figure this out.
Regardless of this, we had a great trip although the boys from Washington DC had brought their surfboards and they never arrived.
The boards got shipped to Houston ,and we were in the Virgin Islands . NOT EVEN CLOSE!
Despite their promise to deliver the boards the next day, they never arrived ,and the boys had to pick them up on the way home ,and travel home with the boards they never got to use.

Regardless the trip was epic and we really had a once in a life time trip, surfing great waves in a beautiful setting.
I am back writing and have many topics to write about.