Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thanksgiving is the true holiday; Family

Thanksgiving is the only holiday that isn't marketing spoiled by the candy companies and or the gift guilt paradigm.
That is what makes it special.
Just hanging out with the family ,relaxing , watching football and or playing football or sleeping on the coach in a turkey coma. There is no pressure to find the right gift, and no anxiety about "did I get the right thing or do I need to go get something else ,because it's not enough."
It is a time to thank everyone and everything for the bounty we have accumulated, and to spend time with the people who we love, and who love us.
It's that simple.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Putting our dog down today.

Oh boy its not an easy thing to do, but our beloved lab Sweetie will go to her master today.
She has been sick all summer ,and the deterioration is enough to know she is ready.
We wish sometimes that we could do for our loved ones on the human side what we are able to do for our animals.
Allow them to die with dignity and grace before things get so bad we are keeping them around for us not them.
It makes perfect sense, even though it does not make the process any easier.
The animal that gives us unconditional love ,and is so loyal they will never complain or act hurt even though they are suffering .

They will do what they must to serve the ones they love.
There is never a concern for self .
Only that their job is to be here for you, and they will do it until their very last breath.
How do you reward such undying love and devotion ?
By allowing them to leave this earth ,and do it in a graceful loving way.
I guess that is all there is.
Like humans who leave us they really never do ,they become part of our experience and our journey.
Rest well my girl and love ,and be with all those we miss and love.
May your journey be calm and smooth .
May all the steak bones have nice large chunks of meat on them ,and may all who love you be there to comfort you.

All of our love goes with you.