Sunday, September 6, 2009

Daddy drank too much and you can smoke the pork!

Sitting at the dinner for breakfast ,as I often do reading the opinion columns .
I happen to notice the conversations around me more for some reason ,on this particular morning.
I had been up for a surf, so I was all pumped up and feeling great that morning.
The lady next to me proceeded to explain to her 3 or 4 year old daughter that "Daddy couldn't come to breakfast, as he was drinking the night before, and was too hung over and tired to have breakfast with his daughter."
Even if this was the case, I would guess that it might be too much information for the 3 year old.
Perhaps in the modern era for personal responsibility it is good for the little girl to know daddy has a problem and therefore she is better informed about the situation.
Either way it was quite a morning. The next fellow was in line behind me as I sat at the counter and had my breakfast with his 6 or 7 year old daughter.
He proceeded to explain that he knew how much she wanted to smoke the pork he had bought,
Once they got home he was going to fire up the smoker, and they would smoke the pork.
She was 7 at the most!
It was a very strange morning, and as surreal as it gets.